Arboretum Ellerhoop

Ellerhoop, DE

From 20/05/2012 to 01/07/2012

The permanent garden show of almost 20 hectares is located about 30 kilometers northwest of Hamburg, surrounded by the typical north german landscape called ‘Holsteinische Knicklandschaft’.

The North German Garden Show – Arboretum Ellerhoop sees itself as an educational institution and serves to intensify the practical and theoretical biology lessons of schools. At the same time, it wants to draw attention to environmental issues and laws of ecology, which is why the exhibition was perceived as a great enrichment and addition.


Professor Hans-Dieter Warda, Susanne Warda, Richard Bischoff, General management:
We too, found the exhibition a extraordinary enrichment and would like to thank you once again for this great action, which certainly attracted many visitors!