Die Flora, Botanical Garden of Cologne

Cologne, DE

From 05/06/2009 to 01/11/2009

In the Darwin Year 2009, the exhibition was on display for 5 months on the tour of the plant world of the Cologne Botanical Garden. Numerous visitors, including many school classes, enthusiastically reported their repeated visits to the exhibition due to the richness of the topic and the exciting presentation.
The interest in the illustrated book also confirmed the very positive response and the exhibition was highly recommended for the educational work of botanical gardens.


Dr. Stephan Anhalt, Director of ‘Die Flora’:
We were fortunate to be able to show this wonderful exhibition for 5 months in the Darwin Year 2009:
The exhibition is a visually and content wise very successful visualization of the dramatic 4.6 billion years of
evolution of our planet. Embedded as a tour through the plant world of the garden – counting steps and tracing millions of years – a large number of visitors and school classes met in the garden in order to learn about the scientific insights on the history of evolution on the large panels.
Many visitors reported enthusiastically about their repeated visit to the exhibition due to the richness of the topic and the exciting presentation. The interest in the book accompanying the exhibition confirmed the very positive response. Highly recommended as an outdoor exhibition for the educational work of botanical gardens!